
What YOU Need To Do To Register For An FTCE Exam

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So, you’re getting ready to take the Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE)? Well, you have found the right place to get all of your registration questions answered!

We will go over how to register, the cost of the exams, and other important FTCE registration details. Next, we’ll go over what you need to bring on the day of the exam. Do you need an ID? If so, what kind? We’ll also look at FTCE test tips and whether or not you get a formula sheet or a calculator to use. Finally, we’ll look at what happens after you take the exam. We’ll answer questions about failing, retaking the exam, and how long you have to wait to retake a test.

First, let’s look at the registration process. Great news! Access to online registration is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How do you register for an FTCE exam?

When registering for the FTCE you need to:

  1. Log in to your FTCE/FELE account (you can also create an account from this page).
  2. Once you are logged in, click Register for the FTCE/FELE and choose your test. You’ll be asked a few background questions and need to agree to the testing policies.
  3. Under Open Registrations, click Schedule to choose the date, time, and place of your exam.
  4. Review your registration and complete your payment by entering a debit or credit card.

How much does it cost to register for an FTCE exam?

The cost of the FTCE Professional Education (PEd) or Subject Area Exam (SAE) is $150. The FTCE General Knowledge (GK) exam is $130 if all four subtests are taken together. There is also a retake fee if you need to retake any subtest.

Are there any other FTCE registration details you should know?

If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment you can do that by logging into your FTCE/FELE account the same way you registered. Then, under Open Registrations click Reschedule or Cancel. You can reschedule or cancel your exam within 24 hours of your test appointment.

Next, let’s look at what to bring the day of the test and some test tips to help be better prepared for the FTCE.

Do you need an ID to take to an FTCE exam?

You must bring two valid forms of identification printed in English. You will also have your photo taken and palm scanned for identity verification purposes.

What are some test-day tips for an FTCE test?

Plan to arrive at the testing site 30 minutes before your scheduled testing appointment.

You will also complete an online tutorial on how to take a computer-based test.

Do you get a formula sheet or calculator on an FTCE exam?

On the General Knowledge exam, you do get an on-screen calculator, as well as a mathematics formula sheet to reference.

Elementary Education K-6 and Prekindergarten/Primary PK-3 exams provide a mathematics formula sheet.

Scientific calculators are available for the Mathematics 6-12 and Middle Grade Mathematics 5-9 exams.

A scientific calculator and physics formula sheet are provided for the Physics 6-12 exam.

For the Chemistry 6-12 exam, a scientific calculator, periodic table, and a chemistry reference sheet are available.

You will not be able to use your own calculator or formula sheet. Cell phones and other electronic devices are also prohibited.

To wrap up all you need to know about registering for an exam we’ll look at what happens if you fail the exam.

What happens if you fail an FTCE exam? Can you retake it?

The good news is that you can retake any test, subtest, or section that you score a NOT PASS on. There is a wait time of 31 days from the previous test date but there is no limit on how many times you can retake a test that has not been passed.

Hopefully, you have learned everything you need to know about registering for the Florida Teacher Certifications Exam!

More FTCE Resources

The Ultimate Guide To Prepare For The FTCE Test

These Are The FTCE Exams You Need To Take

Everything You Need To Know About FTCE Scores

Your FTCE Costs & Retakes Quick Guide

FTCE – Questions Quick Guide

Picture of: Ashley Macken

About the author: Ashley Macken

Ashley is a first-grade teacher who is ending her 10-year teaching career to focus on small group tutoring and being a stay-at-home mom. She feels she has a wealth of knowledge of the education world to share with others. One thing you wouldn’t guess about Ashley is that she owns a working 1926 Model T.

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I'm a teacher candidate at a university/college I'd like to transition to teaching I'm a current / former teacher I'm in leadership for K-12 or Higher Ed (EPP)
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Where are you hoping to teach?

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🤔 Hmmm... Looks like you may have to take a {testSeriesAndURL} exam.

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Question 3 of 3

How would you rate your confidence in passing your exam?

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We can help you feel confident in passing your exam. We'd recommend taking a free diagnostic test to see how you perform.

Get access to all exam study guides for {testSeries} and feel rest assured you're ready for exam day, with our money-back guarantee.

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Great! Then let's get studying. And no worries, we have a money-back guarantee.

Get access to all exam study guides for {testSeries} and feel rest assured you're ready for exam day, with our money-back guarantee.

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Do you have an education degree?

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Do you have a bachelor's degree (not in education)?

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Teachers can come from many paths, even if you don't have an education degree.

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If you're interested in how to become a teacher in certain subject areas or states, please visit these resources to get you started.

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Question 1 of 3

Where are you hoping to teach?

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Question 2 of 3

🤔 Hmmm... Looks like you may have to take a {testSeriesAndURL} exam.

Have no fear! We got you covered!
Would you like us to send you over {testSeries} resources?

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Question 1 of 2

Where are you hoping to teach?

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Question 2 of 2

Teachers can come from many paths, even if you don't have an education degree.

We built a guide for all the paths teachers can take, and the timeline for each one. Would you like us to send it to you?

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You may be a great fit for the 240 Alt-Cert Program (ACP), which is a more affordable and quicker option to becoming a teacher in Texas.

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You will likely need to get a certification to start teaching. We'd recommend an Alternative Certification program.

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What best describes why you are looking to be certified?

I'm teaching in a new state I'm teaching a new grade level I'm teaching a new subject I'd like to expand my supplementals / endorsements I'm currently not certified My certification(s) expired
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Question 1 of 3

Where are you hoping to teach?

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Question 2 of 3

🤔 Hmmm... Looks like you may have to take a {testSeriesAndURL} exam.

Have no fear! We got you covered!
Would you like us to send you over {testSeries} resources?

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Question 1 of 3

Where are you hoping to teach?

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Question 2 of 3

🤔 Hmmm... Looks like you may have to take a {testSeriesAndURL} exam.

Have no fear! We got you covered!
Would you like us to send you over {testSeries} resources?

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Question 1 of 2

What best describes the type of organization you work for?

Higher Ed Institution K-12 District or State DOE Other EPP
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Question 2 of 2

Tell us a bit about yourself, so we can discuss how 240 can support your students.

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Question 2 of 2

Tell us a bit about yourself, so we can discuss how 240 can support your teachers.

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Thank you for submitting your information! We will be in touch shortly.
In the mean time, please visit our EPP page to learn more.

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Thank you for submitting your information! We will be in touch shortly.
In the mean time, please visit our K12 page to learn more.

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