If you’re getting certified to teach multiple grade levels in Ohio, you’ve probably heard of the OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) exam. As you may know, you must pass this test in order before you can be hired to teach a broad range of students. With so much at stake, it’s crucial to understand the OAE APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) exam’s scoring system. If you know what it takes to pass, you’ll be able to prepare more effectively.
To give you a leg up, this article will cover all you need to know about OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age exam scoring.
Overview of the OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) Scoring Guide:
The multiple-choice questions on the OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) exam will assess your competence in the following content domains:
- Student Development and Learning
- Assessment, Instruction, and the Learning Environment
- The Professional Environment
In addition, you will provide two written responses. One will pertain to the Assessment, Instruction, and Learning Environment domain. The other will be related to the Professional Environment domain.
The exam has a time limit of 3 hours. For more details on the structure of this test, take a look at our OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) exam overview.
How the Exam is Scored
The OAE APK: Multi-Age exam is scored by taking the sum of your correct answers, in addition to the holistic scores from your free responses, and converting them to a scaled score that takes test difficulty into account.
There is no penalty for incorrect answers on this exam.
Passing Score
To pass the OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) exam, you must receive a scaled score of at least 220.
When Will You Get Your Score Report
Visit the OAE website to find out what day your Multi-Age (PK-12) scores will be posted. (Scroll down to “Score Reporting.”) Scores will be viewable on your account starting at 10 p.m. (ET) on the listed date. You will also receive the report via email if you selected this option at registration.
Since results are posted in batches, you may wait anywhere from around 12 days to around six weeks to get your scores. The wait time depends on whether you took your test early or late in the exam cycle.
Understanding Your Score Report
Your OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) score report will show your Assessment Score and your Performance Indices. The first section provides your overall score on a scale of 100 to 300, with 220 being the minimum score to pass.
The next section reveals how you performed on each domain in the multiple-choice section, as represented by a +, ++, +++, or ++++ (respectively: well below passing, just below passing, at or above passing, well above passing). You will also learn how you performed on each written response, using the same “+” indicators described above. This OAE document provides more detail about written response scoring for the APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) test.
If you did not pass the exam, you should find this score report helpful for future studying. By reviewing your performance within each content domain, you can identify the areas where you need the most work. You can also determine whether you performed adequately on the written response section, or if you need practice in this area.
Retaking the Exam
If you don’t pass the OAE APK: Multi-Age exam on your first try, you are allowed to retake it as many times as you wish. However, you must wait 30 days between each attempt.
OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) exam scores play a key role in determining your eligibility to teach in Ohio. Understanding how this test is scored and what is required to pass should help you prepare more effectively, maximizing your chances of success.
If you don’t pass the APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) exam on your first try, remember to take advantage of the detailed performance breakdown on your score report. This is an invaluable tool for identifying areas where you need improvement.
Even if your first try was unsuccessful, you should feel confident that you can pass the OAE 004 APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) exam. With diligent study and a clear understanding of the test, you’ll be well prepared for your next attempt.
More APK: Multi-Age (PK-12) Resources