If you need to pass the CBEST as part of your teacher certification, education program, or hiring process, you’ve probably heard of the CBEST Mathematics exam. As you may know, you must pass CBEST Math in order to pass the CBEST as a whole. It’s crucial to understand the scoring system of the CBEST math exam and how it fits in with the CBEST overall. If you know what it takes to pass, you’ll be able to prepare more effectively.
To give you a leg up, this article will cover all you need to know about CBEST Mathematics exam scoring.
Overview of the CBEST Mathematics Scoring Guide
The multiple-choice questions on the CBEST Math exam will assess your competence in the following skill areas:
- Estimation, Measurement, and Statistical Principles
- Computation and Problem Solving
- Numerical and Graphic Relationships
The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 2 hours. For more details on the structure of this test, take a look at our CBEST Mathematics exam overview.
How the Exam is Scored
The CBEST Math test is scored by taking the sum of your correct answers and converting them to a scaled score that takes test difficulty into account.
There is no penalty for incorrect answers on this exam.
Passing Score
To pass the CBEST Mathematics test, you must receive a scaled score of at least 41.
However, if your CBEST Math score is just below 41, you may still be able to pass the CBEST overall. Some test takers score well enough on Reading and Writing that they are able to pass the CBEST with scores as low as 37 on Math.
When Will You Get Your Score Report
If you take the CBEST Math exam in person, you will receive your preliminary scores upon completion. Remote test takers will have to wait for their official score report to determine if they passed.
The official report should be released within two weeks. Visit the CTC website to find the exact day to expect your CBEST Math scores. (Scroll down to “Test Results.”)
Understanding Your Score Report
Your CBEST Math score report will show your overall score for the section. This ranges from 20 to 80, with 41 being the minimum score to pass.
The report will also reveal how you performed on each of the exam’s three skill areas, as represented by a +, ++, +++, or ++++ (respectively: few or no questions answered correctly, some answered correctly, many answered correctly, most answered correctly).
If you did not pass the exam, you should find this score report helpful for future studying. By reviewing your performance on each skill area, you can identify the math topics that are giving you the most trouble.
Retaking the Exam
If you don’t pass the CBEST Mathematics exam on your first try, you are allowed to retake it as many times as you wish. However, you must wait 45 days between each attempt.
CBEST Math exam scores play a key role in establishing your teaching career in California. Understanding how this test is scored and what is required to pass should help you prepare more effectively, maximizing your chances of success.
If you don’t pass the CBEST Math test on your first try, remember to take advantage of the detailed performance breakdown on your score report. This is an invaluable tool for identifying areas where you need improvement.
Even if your first try was unsuccessful, you should feel confident that you can pass the CBEST Math test. With diligent study and a clear understanding of the exam, you’ll be well prepared for your next attempt.
More CBEST Mathematics Resources