
TExES Health EC-12 (157) Practice Test and Prep

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Take the TExES Health EC-12 (157) Practice Test

Welcome to our TExES Health EC-12 practice test and prep page. On this page, we outline the domains and key concepts for the Health EC-12 exam. It is a free resource we provide so you can see how prepared you are to take the official exam.

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TExES Health EC-12 Information

Health Education EC-12 Pin


The TExES Health EC-12 exam is a computer-based test with 100 multiple-choice questions. Test-takers are allotted five hours to take the exam.

Test Code: 157

Time: 5 hours

Number of Questions: 100 multiple-choice questions

Format: Computer-administered test (CAT)


The exam costs $116.


To pass the TExES Health EC-12 exam, test-takers must receive a scaled score of at least 240 (on a scale of 100-300).

Study time: 

Test-takers should allow plenty of time to familiarize themselves with the test format and ensure that they feel comfortable with the content covered in each competency. While the specific amount of necessary study time will vary from person to person, you should allow yourself several weeks to prepare. Ample preparation time will help you feel prepared and not rushed or overwhelmed. Take time to spend additional time on areas of weakness or concepts that have not been mastered. Our TExES Health EC-12 practice test can help.

Tips that test-takers wish they’d known: 

  • Review all test-taking policies prior to arriving at the testing center, including all items that are prohibited in the testing room.
  • Allow ample travel time and be prepared for traffic delays.
  • Make sure you bring all needed materials, including required identification.
  • Dress in layers on testing day, as testing rooms may be warm or chilly.
  • Carefully review test directions, pace your work, and read each question and response carefully.
  • Believe in yourself and take the test with a positive attitude!

Information and screenshots are from the TExES and NES website.

TExES Health EC-12 Domain I: Personal Health


Domain I consists of four competencies and accounts for 26% of the TExES Health EC-12 exam, which is about 26 questions.

Let’s take a look at some specific concepts from this domain.

Human Body Systems

The human body consists of a variety of body systems that work together to allow the body to function properly and perform daily tasks. The body systems are the circulatory, digestive, lymphatic, endocrine, integumentary, muscular, nervous, urinary, reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal systems.

Growth and Development

The human body experiences numerous changes over the course of a lifetime as a result of growth and development. During infancy and early childhood, growth occurs rapidly and many changes are experienced, including changes in body size and weight. Adolescents experience additional changes during puberty, including growth spurts, breast development, hair growth, and an increase in sweating. In addition to the physical changes of puberty, many emotional changes also occur due to changes in hormones. It is not uncommon for adolescents undergoing puberty to experience mood swings, extreme sensitivity, self-consciousness, and feelings of uncertainty.

Nutrition and Exercise

Proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and healthy body weight are key components of an individual’s overall well-being and health. Together, a healthy diet and physical activity can help decrease an individual’s risk of developing serious health conditions, chronic diseases, and some forms of cancer. They can also benefit individuals by strengthening muscles and bones, improving mood and energy level, and decreasing obesity risks.

Components of Fitness

The five components of fitness serve as a useful tool for creating effective personal fitness programs. Designing a fitness plan that embodies each of the five components can help ensure that individuals get the greatest health benefit from their plan. The five components of fitness are cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition.

Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases are illnesses that are spread from one individual to another or from an animal to a human. Communicable diseases are often referred to as infectious diseases. Communicable diseases are typically spread through direct contact with a sick individual, breathing in airborne bacteria or viruses, contact with bodily fluids or blood, contact with contaminated surfaces, or insect or animal bites. Common communicable diseases include the common cold, influenza, hepatitis, and malaria. Communicable diseases can be prevented by receiving appropriate vaccinations and washing your hands regularly, including before and after eating and after coughing or sneezing.

Noncommunicable Diseases

Noncommunicable diseases are illnesses or health conditions that cannot be spread from person to person. Noncommunicable diseases are often referred to as chronic diseases. Common noncommunicable diseases include cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes. Noncommunicable diseases typically result from a variety of health factors, including genetics as well as physiological, environmental, and lifestyle factors. These lifestyle factors include unhealthy diet, irregular exercise, smoking, and excessive alcohol use. Noncommunicable diseases can be prevented by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, avoiding too much alcohol, getting ample sleep, and being aware of your family health history. There are three approaches for preventing common chronic diseases: primary (legislation, education, and immunization), secondary (daily exercise), and tertiary (chronic disease management programs) prevention.

Mental Health

Mental health is the collective state of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Factors that can contribute to mental health disorders include biological factors, life experiences, and family history. Common warning signs of mental health disorders include eating or sleeping too much, loss of previous interests, lack of energy, feeling hopeless or indifferent, persistent thoughts, mood swings, thoughts of harming oneself or others, and the inability to perform daily tasks. Mental health disorders can affect individuals and their families, peers, and community. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, students need both physical and emotional health in order to function at their highest capacity. (Maslow’s hierarchy includes physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs.)


Stress refers to a feeling of emotional or physical tension. Stress often results from events that cause individuals to feel frustrated, anxious, or angry. How your body reacts to a challenge or situation is stress. While stress can be positive (as when it helps you to avoid a dangerous situation), stress is generally thought of as negative.

Stress often negatively affects individuals’ lives. Common physical, psychological, and emotional signs of stress include rapid heart rate, fatigue, increased blood pressure, feelings of being overwhelmed, sleep difficulties, and persistent thoughts of stressors. Continual stress can result in health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

And that’s some basic information about Domain I of the TExES Health EC-12 exam.

TExES Health EC-12 Domain II: Healthy Interpersonal Relationships


Domain II consists of three competencies and accounts for 20% of the TExES Health EC-12 exam, which is about 20 questions.

Let’s take a look at some specific concepts from this domain.

Family Structures and Relationships 

Today, more than ever, family structures vary from family to family. Some families may be traditional or nuclear. Others may be blended or include single parents, extended family, or adopted or foster children. Various factors influence families, including cultural, social, and interpersonal dynamics. No matter the type of family structure, it is important for families to promote healthy relationships through good communication, spending time together, and respecting one another.

Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

Healthy relationships involve honesty, open communication, trust, and respect. Unhealthy relationships are harmful to those involved. Common warning signs of an unhealthy relationship include constant put-downs; extreme insecurity, jealousy, or anger; isolation from family and friends; physical violence; and controlling behaviors. Positive relationships can be maintained by accepting other people’s differences, actively listening, being open to constructive criticism, and practicing empathy.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is the direct influence on an individual by friends, colleagues, those of the same age, or those at the same level of power to change one’s behavior or beliefs. Peer pressure typically produces negative effects, encouraging individuals to partake in illegal or unacceptable behavior. The STOP acronym helps individuals remember what to do in situations involving peer pressure:

S – Say “no”

T – Tell a reason why

O – Offer another suggestion

P – Promptly leave

Sexual Activity

Adolescents and teens are continually faced with situations that involve sexual activity, including the pressure to have sex. Health education teachers should teach sexual health to equip students with the facts and decision-making skills needed to make responsible choices. Common safe sex practices include abstinence, latex condoms, spermicide with condom use, and contraceptives. Abstinence refers to the choice to not participate in any form of sexual activity and is the only 100 percent effective way to prevent pregnancy and/or STDs.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are acquired by sexual contact and pass from person to person through semen, vaginal fluid, blood, saliva, and sometimes skin-to-skin contact. Common STDs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and oral or genital herpes. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) weakens a person’s immune system by destroying important cells that help fight disease and infections. People with HIV can develop acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The most effective way to prevent STIs is to practice abstinence. Other common ways to prevent STIs include using condoms, having fewer partners, and getting vaccinated.

And that’s some basic information about Domain II of the TExES Health EC-12 exam.

TExES Health EC-12 Domain III: Community and Environmental Health and Safety


Domain III consists of three competencies and accounts for 20% of the TExES Health EC-12 exam, which is about 20 questions.

Let’s take a look at some specific concepts from this domain.

Safety, Accidents, and Emergencies

It’s not always possible to avoid injuries or accidents, which is why it is imperative that individuals know how to properly respond and provide care during emergencies. Action plans and emergency procedures should be in place and practiced regularly. Individuals should know basic first aid, which is the initial care given to an individual who is injured or experiencing sickness before medical assistance arrives. When providing first aid or assisting with emergencies, individuals should practice universal precautions. CPR and AED knowledge is extremely useful in emergencies.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse refers to the use of illegal drugs or the use of legal substances wrongly or in excessive amounts. Substances are often abused because they create a pleasurable “high” that helps individuals feel good, decrease stress, or avoid problems. Common substances that are abused include alcohol, over-the-counter medications, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and tobacco products. Just like other common diseases, there are risk factors associated with substance abuse. Some common risk factors include family history, stress, depression, and environmental influences like exposure to physical abuse or peer usage.

Preventing and Treating Substance Abuse

While we are unable to ensure that an individual will not abuse drugs and alcohol, there are some ways to make it less likely. These preventive behaviors include surrounding yourself with role models, developing healthy coping skills to alleviate symptoms, being aware of your family history, and living a balanced life. Numerous options exist for treating substance abuse and addiction. Common therapies used for substance abuse include behavioral counseling, medications, 12-step programs, and medical devices for withdrawal treatment. In addition, treatment may involve either inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation and long-term care to prevent relapse.

Community Health and Environmental Health 

Community health focuses on promoting and protecting the health of individuals and communities where life, work, and play occur. Community health focuses on promoting healthy behaviors and preventing unhealthy behaviors and sickness. Government and public health officials take steps to educate community members, encourage vaccinations to prevent the spread of disease, provide access to healthy meals for students, track diseases and sickness, and ensure access to quality health care services.

Environmental health is the condition of the environment in a community, especially with regard to factors that affect human health and disease, such as clean and uncontaminated water, air, soil, and food. Reducing, reusing, recycling, decreasing pollution, and conserving energy are ways to help the environment.

And that’s some basic information about Domain III of the TExES Health EC-12 exam.

TExES Health EC-12 Domain IV: Health-Related Skills and Resources


Domain IV consists of three competencies and accounts for 20% of the exam, which is about 20 questions.

Let’s take a look at some specific concepts from this domain.

Health and Wellness

Heath and wellness encompass many areas that affect an individual’s ability to thrive, enjoy life, and meet the challenges they encounter. The choices individuals make on a daily basis influence their health both positively and negatively. Positive health choices include not smoking, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and receiving regular medical care. Unhealthy choices include eating junk food, not exercising regularly, smoking, consuming alcohol to excess, and not getting enough sleep. Achieving wellness is a process that consists of multiple components, including physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, environmental, occupational, financial and cultural wellness. When setting goals for health and wellness, it is important to set realistic goals that are achievable. The attributes of achievable goals can be remembered using the acronym SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Valid Health Information 

Health information is everywhere and it is important for individuals to learn to distinguish between valid and invalid sources of information. Sources of information that are likely to be valid and a helpful resource include government websites and information distributed by hospitals or health care providers. Some reliable sources to reference include the CDC, WHO, WebMD, USFDA, and The Mayo Clinic.

Individuals should also be aware of false claims and inaccurate marketing. Consumers must check ingredient lists and not be fooled by advanced marketing or claims on packaging. Furthermore, be aware of quackery. Quackery refers to the promotion of fraudulent medical information or care. Do not fall for “magic” pills or treatments.

Health Care

Health care providers or professionals include individuals or companies that provide health care services to patients. There are many different types of health care providers, including doctors, specialists, physician assistants, nurses, pharmacists, technologists, and therapists. Care may be provided in doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals, urgent care, or emergency rooms.

And that’s some basic information about Domain IV of the TExES Health EC-12 exam.

TExES Health EC-12 Domain V: The School Health Education Program


Domain V consists of two competencies and accounts for 14% of the TExES Health EC-12 exam, which is about 14 questions.

Let’s take a look at some specific concepts from this domain.

Coordinated School Health (CSH) 

Coordinated School Health (CSH) programs are suggested for schools by the CDC. The purpose of CSH programs is to increase students’ health and academic achievement through families, community members, and the school collaborating to address and meet the needs of children.


Assessment tools can be used to determine the effectiveness of school health education programs. The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) is a common assessment tool designed to assist school districts and schools conduct clear, consistent analysis of health education curricula, based on the National Health Education Standards and the CDC’s Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum.

Health Instruction

Health education teachers teach content to help students make informed decisions regarding their health. Health education teachers should keep lessons engaging in order to keep students motivated. There are a variety of instructional strategies that can be utilized in the health classroom. The curriculum and lessons should be aligned with national, state, and local district standards, and instruction should be sequential. Integrated instruction helps students realize how health topics fit into other aspects of life and subject areas. Lessons should be differentiated to address diverse groups of students and meet individual needs. A variety of assessments should be utilized regularly to ensure students are mastering the concepts taught.

And that’s some basic information about the TExES Health EC-12 test.

Take the TExES Health EC-12 (157) Practice Test

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