Praxis️ English Language Arts
5047Official Praxis️ Middle School English Language Arts study guide to help you pass your exam!
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We’re here to help you get in the classroom! Start your journey by taking our free Praxis️ Middle School Mathematics (5164) practice test.
Our curriculum team studies all of the standards and competencies for the Praxis️ Middle School Mathematics (5164) exam and cross-references them with the current and previous questions released by the official testing company. We then work with content and teaching experts to distill down what test-takers need to know. No matter where you are in the study guide, you can always see how the concept you are learning is aligned to the test standards.
We’ve taken the guesswork out of what to study. Our guides are aligned to the exact standards of the official Praxis️ exam and structured so you build on the concepts you need to know. Use the “search” feature to see where any particular standard appears within the guide.
Study Guides are organized into learning modules and then smaller sections that include instructional content and videos, flash cards, and quizzes. Explanations are provided for each of the choices, so you understand why an answer is correct.
Each study guide comes equipped with full-length practice tests. Full of authentic and test-aligned questions, these practice tests mimic the test day experience to ensure you arrive on test day ready to pass!
66 selected response questions with a 3 hours minute time limit.
In most cases, only one form of primary ID is needed. Be sure to visit your state’s official exam website to learn more information about what your need to bring on test day.
Tests are year-round, by appointment only. Click here to find a testing site near you.
In the state of Indiana the passing score for the Praxis️ Middle School Mathematics (5164) exam is a 157.
With over 60 years of combined teaching experience and advanced degrees, our education experts work countless hours to methodically evaluate the content and condense it down to test-aligned study guides guaranteed to help you pass.
Our exceptional Customer Care team is here to help you pass. We focus on providing the best possible customer experience. We are sincere in our goal to help test-takers who wish to become teachers. Our professionalism, patience, and people-first attitude are available to you by phone and email, allowing you to connect with us.
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Get full access to the MTLE catalog with a 240 subscription at one low monthly price. Each subscription includes the following MTLE test titles, so you can ace one or more exams on a single subscription.
Get full access to the Missouri catalog with a 240 subscription at one low monthly price. Each subscription includes the following MEGA & Praxis test titles, so you can ace one or more exams on a single subscription.
Get full access to the NYSTCE catalog with a 240 subscription at one low monthly price. Each subscription includes the following NYSTCE test titles, so you can ace one or more exams on a single subscription.
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Get full access to the TExES catalog with a 240 subscription at one low monthly price. Each subscription includes the following TExES & TX PACT test titles, so you can ace one or more exams on a single subscription.
Get full access to the Virginia catalog with a 240 subscription at one low monthly price. Each subscription includes the following Praxis & VCLA test titles, so you can ace one or more exams on a single subscription.
Get full access to the Washington catalog with a 240 subscription at one low monthly price. Each subscription includes the following WEST & NES test titles, so you can ace one or more exams on a single subscription.
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